Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Facebook...Ohhhhhh Facebook

So, I thought I would share a few thoughts about Facebook... well, any social media today. Again, just something that's been cruising through my head.
We truly are right smack dab in the middle of the information era. Your opinion can literally be viewed by thousands, hundreds of thousands of people instantly. Personally, I think that this is amazing! However, what does that mean for the church? How can this be used in a way to bring honor to God?
Here is where this thought stems from. A few weeks ago a good friend of mine posted his thoughts about the same sex marriage issue that has been in the news here in good ol' California. Now, his views and opinions didn't exactly jive with others online. And it turned into a massive online argument. We have all seen this before.
So, My question, predominately to those of us who call ourselves followers of Christ, how do we react to speech online that we feel goes against scripture? Example, lets take the same sex marriage issue. Its a very heated topic with two distinctively different views. A large portion of the Christian population view it as going completely against scripture. Both view points are PLASTERED across social media. So, what is our calling, how do we react to opposing views online? Do we speak out against it on our News-feeds, tweets, threads, blogs etc.? Or do we stay silent? I don't have an answer on this one.
I met with one of my good friends for coffee the other day who happens to be the pastor of a church and he had some really good insight into this issue. Relationship. Man times when we post online, there is no relationship behind the post, thus, we post on some very heated topics simply as strangers flexing our opinion. Its easier to get mad at a stranger, someone you have no face to face contact with than to get angry at someone that you are sitting across the table from. So, my friends thoughts, on these heated topics, we should abstain from online posting and save those conversations for real life encounters.
Again, I don't have an answer on this one, just thought I would raise the question.

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